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They Want To Steal Your Ideas

Do they...? No they don’t. Nobody steals people’s ideas because they’re all too busy worrying about their own stuff.
29 October, 2013

Do they…?

No they don’t. Nobody steals people’s ideas because they’re all too busy worrying about their own stuff. People steal contacts, they steal databases and shamelessly rip-off design and development work but they rarely steal ideas. If you squirrel away your thoughts, if you hold onto them too tight they’ll never fly because the chances of you doing this on your own are zero. Try to trust and to give people the benefit of the doubt. It will help you immeasurably. Remember that the one thing with more value than a good idea is a person who can come up with good ideas. 

Cheesemongers, quacks and snake oil men

There is some right pseudo-psychological, get-rich-quick nonsense written in, around and about the entrepreneurial industry, and no mistake. Learn how YOU can be a SUCCESS. STOP working START living – that kind of thing. It’s worth noting that a lot of it is written by shamelessly self-promoting americans who may well be self-made millionaires but probably lack something in the decorum department due to the fact that their fortune is founded essentially on a cliche-driven ponzi scheme, which relies on convincing people they possess a great secret. The secret is that there is no secret, merely effective strategies and best practices.

It’s not personal it’s business

Was there ever a sleazier, greasier sentiment uttered? If you’re going to eviscerate someone, steal their dreams and act like a scumbag, you should at least look them in the eye and say, ‘I’m stitching you up here because it’s to my advantage. I know it will upset you but I don’t care. You are collateral damage. This is a calculated risk. I will do anything to further my own ends and you should never work with me again’.