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‘UK SMEs already embracing AI in significant numbers’

‘UK SMEs already embracing AI in significant numbers’

ScoreApp survey illustrates that small businesses understand the ever-growing influence of Artificial Intelligence
6 July, 2023

ScoreApp survey illustrates that small businesses understand the ever-growing influence of Artificial Intelligence.

A recent survey, conducted by ScoreApp, showed that almost 60% of small UK businesses were already using Artificial Intelligence (AI). And another 23% were planning to do so soon.

ScoreApp, which is a leading AI-powered business platform, contacted 1,000 companies across various sectors and sizes. As many as 68% of these companies have between one and four employees, of which 31% of these businesses have been operating for more than 10 years.

SMEs play a crucial role in the UK economy, employing around 16.4 million people, according to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB). Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that SMEs are important to the business health of the nation.

And the use of AI by small businesses is a growing trend, as illustrated in recent surveys carried out by American Express, GoDaddy and Forbes. These surveys highlighted the opportunity that AI holds for small businesses.

SMEs can tap-in to the power of AI to boost their businesses in a number of ways, such as marketing, customer service, operations, cyber-security and fraud management.

ScoreApp’s survey provides a valuable insight into how small UK businesses are not only aware of the benefits of AI, but are already using it to drive growth. Daniel Priestley, a co-founder of ScoreApp, said, “We are delighted to see that many of the UK’s small businesses are embracing and benefitting from AI

“While some large corporations are stifled by ‘regulation anxiety’ – concerning the uses of AI – small businesses can be more agile. And many of these companies understand that AI will help them to achieve their goals and overcome challenges.”

And Steven Oddy, chief executive of ScoreApp, added: “According to the latest statistics from the FSB, there were 5.5 million small businesses in the UK at the start of 2022. This accounts for 99.9% of the total business population, and 61% of total employment.

“It’s clear that these small businesses are a vital part of the UK economy. The survey also shows that they are a valuable source of innovation and creativity.”

For more information about ScoreApp, and AI Quiz Builder, please click here.

About ScoreApp: Enables businesses to build quizzes, assessments and scorecards. The platform’s easy-to-use features allow businesses to create engaging and informative quizzes for their customers. The App will provide insightful data, enabling businesses to target their preferred audience and ultimately increase sales. The ScoreApp team is dedicated to providing high-quality solutions for businesses of all sizes.