Lisa Maffia, renowned as the First Lady of the iconic So Solid Crew, initially gained fame with the groundbreaking single ‘Oh No (Sentimental Things).’ Her illustrious career includes hits like ‘No Good 4 Me’ and the #1 hit ’21 Seconds.’ With So Solid Crew, she achieved commercial success, selling nearly a million albums and winning numerous awards.
After contributing to ‘They Don’t Know,’ Lisa pursued a solo career, releasing chart-topping singles and winning the Best UK Garage Act award at the MOBOs.
Beyond music, Lisa supported Christina Aguilera on tour, excelled on The Games 2005, and presented TV shows. She’s graced the pages of Vogue and Cosmopolitan and worked for charities.
Returning in 2007 with ‘Bad Girl,’ Lisa garnered acclaim and Universal Records’ support. She ventured into acting, made cameos in films, and hosted TV shows.
In 2017, Lisa captivated Australian audiences on tour. She’s continued presenting, participating in charity events, and launching her own ventures, including Maffia Rum, an aged spiced rum line with an online series.
Lisa Maffia’s multifaceted career as a musician, presenter, actress, and entrepreneur showcases her versatility, resilience, and dedication to success. The First Lady’s enduring impact in entertainment remains undeniable.