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Time Management

Time management is one of the top challenges for every entrepreneur. Consider ways in which you can work smarter and be more efficient...
17 October, 2013

Time management is one of the top challenges for every entrepreneur. Consider ways in which you can work smarter and be more efficient…


Recognise you can’t do everything you want to do. Figure out what’s most important and work on that first.

Use technology

Make sure the tech tools in your life work together to simplify and streamline time management. Use online project management tools to keep you on top of what your team is doing at a glance. Use the cloud to synchronise your data.

Know thyself

Everyone has a natural rhythm – some of us are morning people, some slump after lunch. Pinpoint your up times and use them for the most crucial business tasks – like meetings with investors, brainstorming sessions or putting together proposals. Feel your energy flagging? Use that time for tasks that don’t require as much brainpower, like checking email, updating your calendar or organising your files.

Identify and solve time-wasting

Keep a log of your activity for a week or so. You may be surprised how much time you’re using inefficiently. Are you typing the same response to emails over and over? Create a template or shortcut to save time.


It’s hard to let go of your baby,and even if you’re willing to, at this stage you probably don’t have enough staff to delegate a lot. But if you’re lucky enough to have some employees, independent contractors, sit down and assess what you could possibly offload to others.

Get offline

Try it for an hour a day. You’ll be surprised what it can do for your business.

Change your habits

Try a different routine, you’ll find it causes you to re-asses what and how you do the day to day activities.